Stringendo Youth Ensemble

Lana Wu

Lana is 12 years old. She has been playing the flute since age 9, and has played the piano since she was 5. Her piano teacher is Dui Bui. She lives in Greenland, New Hampshire, and goes to Greenland Central School. She plays in her school band and also plays sports like tennis, swimming, and soccer. She also enjoys origami and calligraphy. She doesn’t know what to do with her life, so she continues on with her hobbies, and maybe someday will get her indecisive brain to choose what to do with later on.

I joined Stringendo because a friend of mine suggested the program, and I decided to join. I have accomplished being able to play scales and higher notes on the flute. Adding to that, I was able to also learn more about music theory, as well as musical imaginary.
