Played with the PSO since: 2017
At what age did you start playing the instrument you play in the PSO?
I began playing oboe at age 12.
Did you learn another instrument first? If so, which one?
Clarinet was my first instrument, which I played for 2 years before switching to oboe.
Why did you choose your current instrument?
Mr. Rogers! I told my mom that, while I loved playing an instrument, the clarinet wasn’t the right fit for me. She and my baby sister had just been watching Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, where they featured an oboe player. She loved the sound and suggested I try it. I also fell in love and the rest is history!
What do you like about playing with a symphony orchestra?
I love the sound of all of the different instruments working together to create something beautiful. It’s beautiful to me to hear everyone individually and collectively work towards invoking emotion in the audience and orchestra alike.
What is your favorite piece to play on your instrument?
That’s a hard one! While I love playing almost everything, I think my favorite solo piece to play is the Saint-Saens Sontata for Oboe.
How do you spend your time outside of the PSO?
Outside of the PSO, I spend my time maintaining a private oboe/piano studio, and am the director of Kids Ministries at Bethany church in Raymond. I also homeschool my five children, dabble in many homestead-y hobbies, and love life with my husband and kids!
Do you play with other groups? If so, which ones?
I sub in many area orchestras and small ensembles.
Tell us about your musical education.
I have a bachelors of Music in Education from the University of New Hampshire.