Stringendo Youth Ensemble

Ella Higginson

Ella Higginson is 14 years old and has been playing the oboe for two and a half years. She studies under Margaret Herlehy at UNH. Ella is a 9th grader at the Oyster River High School and is a member of the ORHS Studio Orchestra which is directed by David Ervin and Mark LaForce. She is a regular participant at SYMS and in addition, Ella hopes to continue with the NH Youth Band in the Fall when it resumes. This is her fifth semester with the MyPSO/Stringendo. In the past, she has performed at Disney World with the ORMS Jazz Band and played around the community with the band and other groups as well. In addition, Ella has also played an original commission which was written and conducted by British composer Will Todd with the ORHS Studio Orchestra when she was just 12 years old. In her free time when she isn’t practicing music, you can usually find Ella either spending time outside with her family, rock climbing in her basement with her sister, or busy at her sewing machine making dresses.

I choose to join Stringendo because I wanted to practice playing in smaller groups and I wanted to have a chance at playing some more baroque music since I love the style of most music from that time period. And, with this program I was able to accomplish all that in addition to improving my technique.
